‘Army of Thieves’ Review By Julian Brand Actor & Movie Reviewer


                                                                          Army Of Thieves

This is the backstory to Zack Snyder’s ‘Army of the Dead’ shows how Ludwig Dieter (Matthias Schweighöfer) uses his abilities to infiltrate into the drug underworld.

Ludwig Dieter, one of the most popular protagonists in the ‘Army of the Dead,’ receives his background tale. Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert (Matthias Schweighöfer) is a banking cashier fascinated with safecracking as a pastime since we first see him. When he’s not working at his traditional bank position, he films documentaries on the heritage of a few of the country’s greatest impenetrable vaults. Gwendoline (Nathalie Emmanuel) sees one of his films and invites him to accompany her squad as they attempt to break into much more difficult safes. Sebastian, on the other hand, must swiftly adjust to become Ludwig Dieter, despite his stumbling and fearfulness.

The zombie catastrophe is primarily relegated to the background in this prequel. It’s a standard robbery picture, with a motley crew taking on apparently insurmountable difficulties while being pursued by an emotionally engaged officer. Schweighöfer is well aware of this and is concentrating on developing his character Sebastian. Next to the screen, he’s unquestionably appealing, and his presentation has a sparking intensity to it. Sebastian enthusiastically reveals Hans Wagner’s complex knowledge behind the invention of the vaults. This helps to bear some of the film’s explanatory language, but then it becomes an issue with several other performers.

Schweighöfer projects the picture with a lustrous shine in front of the camera, and cinematographer Bernhard Jasper creates many stunning sights. The well-crafted combat scenes and stunning displays of the vaults’ internal dynamics demonstrate this. They aren’t, however, sufficient to elevate this cliched heist film. Its length also works against it, with rhythm concerns in the final chapter. As a consequence, we’re left with a needless prequel that doesn’t contribute much to the ‘Army of the Dead’ genre, while it does solidify Matthias Schweighöfer’s impressive abilities.

On the outside, Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead looks pretty cool, and it entices you in with supposedly game-changing variations on zombie legend, but it rapidly descends into yet another zombie shooter with throwaway, uninteresting personalities. While Army of the Dead tries some interesting stuff with the zombies category that haven’t been seen since George A. Romero, it becomes weighed down according to its own personality and neglects how much fun it’s intended to be. The film’s enticing beginning titles montage is far superior to the remainder of the movie.

While still not sans appeal, Army of Thieves’ major flaws include a muddled blend of terror and robbery type themes, as well as an attitude that leaves it uncertain who the film is aiming at – aside from the most fervent of Zack Snyder enthusiasts. While the concept of creating a before-during-after scenario for a post apocalyptic world isn’t new, Snyder’s Army of the Dead may not be the greatest conveyance for it owing to the absence of mythology complexity. It sufficed as a bit of throwaway amusement, but keeping upright a slew of prequels and sequels may be beyond this military’s capabilities.

It’s difficult to tell who Army of Thieves is targeted at since there isn’t much of a zombie movie to please that crowd, there’s just not enough of a theft film to please this crowd.

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