‘He’s All That’ Review by Julian Brand Actor Film Critics

I’m relieved, to say the least. I was worried that the declaration of a gender-swapped remake of 1999’s “She’s All That” from its original screenwriter (R. Lee Fleming Jr.) would just repeat the disastrous aspects of the traditional storey of a prevalent teenage boy making a bet that he can turn a nerdy honors student into a prepubescent perfect girl would just reconstruct the lamest aspects of the traditional storey of a popular high school boy making a bet that he can turn a I’m still trying to forget the pizza sequence, and I realise there was no such thing as texting back then, but the rushing about at the big dance conclusion was irritatingly forced. I was also concerned that the reproduction would become too fluffy and ironic, with too many allusions to the original in the hopes that we wouldn’t notice the absence of originality.

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Its his turn for makeover


Everything that happens swiftly flashes by in a montage of scenarios recreated in 2021 with a minor twist. Party scenes with a Gatsby theme, an appearance by Rae’s pal Kourtney Kardashian as a gloomy and harsh brand manager, and continual pressure from fans.

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There are a few nice additions to the classic. Paget is more genuinely concerned about his ability to pay college without his branding name, while Zack claims he can’t pick between a couple of other top institutions (the nightmare!) (gloomy). Cam and the first “Laney” had both lost their mothers.

He's all that -julian brand actor

Still, the remade rendition delves a little more into the long-term effects of Cam Brin’s promiscuous little sister’s sadness (Isabella Crowvetti). Other elections have been even worse. Ball-original Asher’s primary motion, Fatboy Slim’s main performance in Rockafeller Skkank, is TikTokified (heavy torso dancing motions) to inexpressibly addictive hip-hop tracks.

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It’s even conceivable that Kourtney Kardashian’s persona was more important than any of them. While this film is aimed at a younger audience, more familiarity from the classic may have increased its connection with older audiences.

He's all that- julian brand actor

With the most renowned TikToker in the lead role, the film was certain to be a box office hit. Because it was Rae’s first acting job, many people were curious to see if she possessed the necessary acting abilities. Rae’s acting drew mixed reviews, with the majority of them being unfavourable. Because she is already a social media influencer, her depiction as one is significant. She lacks power, though, in moments where she must be serious and emotional. Her chemistry with Buchanan was not up to par, making it difficult to cheer for them because their chemistry was non-existent. Hopefully, her acting abilities will develop and she will be able to land parts in the future.

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Most renowned TikToker in the lead role

Cameron’s “requirement” for a transformation was unwarranted, it’s worth noting. All that was done to him was get a trim and a new wardrobe. By today’s standards, he wouldn’t even require a new look. It’s fair to argue that the theme of “improving someone’s appearance with a basic makeover” is becoming obsolete and overdone.

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Not to mention Addison Rae, among the most famous performers on tiktok, breaking out just few dances as well. She danced to Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” while performing some iconic TikTok dances during a celebration. A three-minute dance off in between Rae’s role and her competitor figures took place at the end of the film. Without a doubt, Rae’s dancing compensates for her lack of acting ability.


While the idea of recreating a film with gender roles reversed seemed to be amusing, the execution was not. This isn’t the first time a film has been remade with a gender switch, and it’s unlikely to be the last. The film will most certainly be forgotten by many viewers due to poor humour, a lack of chemistry between the major characters, and a complete lack of interest in the plot. It’ll undoubtedly become another drab adaptation on which Netflix squandered too much money.


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