Julian Brand Reviews A Movie 'Lucifer'


Spoiler Alert: The following is an in-depth review of Lucifer by Julian Brand Reviews and will contain many spoilers.

“You send yourselves. Driven down by your own guilt. Forcing yourselves to relive your sins over and over. And the best part…the doors aren’t locked. You could leave anytime. It says something that no one ever does, doesn’t it?”, a line delivered beautifully by actor Tom Ellis while describing Hell as Lucifer Morningstar. The head-spinning Netflix show is filled with such lines that made Julian Brand a fan of the actor. Living in Sacramento, California, Julian Brand was born in the state of actors. That is how he’s able to review shows and movies with such detail.

While Lucifer is coming to an end with the next, final, and long-awaited season 6, Julian Brand would like to discuss the story thus far, what he feels about it, what he thinks about the actors, and how he thinks it’s going to end. The story of Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker is something that is admired by the fans of the show. Lucifer will always be in our hearts, even years after the show ends. Julian Brand has been following the show since it first aired. He has now established himself as a fan of not only the show but also of the actors.

The Story Thus Far

Lucifer is a Netflix show that follows Lucifer Morningstar/Satan/Beelzebub/The Devil (played by actor Tom Ellis) who takes a vacation from his duties in Hell and moves to Los Angeles, California with his favorite demon Mazikeen/Maze (played by actor Lesley-Ann Brandt). The story follows him taking over a nightclub called “LUX”. Things changed when his female friend who is an actress gets shot and killed. That’s when Lucifer meets Chloe Decker/Detective (played by actor Lauren German), who is a detective in LAPD. Lucifer offers to help Chloe Decker with the investigation and that’s when their weird yet fascinating love story starts. Well, it actually starts when Lucifer gets shot and wounded because Chloe was with him. This turned out to mean that he was vulnerable when he was with her. A cringe moment for some, an “aww” moment for others.

Skip A Little Bit

Skip a few episodes (just for the sake of this review) and Lucifer falls in love with Chloe, only to find out that Chloe is just another miracle of his father (God) or just a pawn in his game (as described by Lucifer). This is when things take a turn. Sometime after that, Chloe finds out the true nature of Lucifer, that he is the Devil himself. This scared Chloe and things get a little weird between them for a while. At this point, Julian Brand’s favorite female character enters the show, Inbar Lavi, who played Eve aka Lucifer’s first love… yes, Eve from the garden of Eden… Adam’s Eve… Well, Lucifer’s Eve in this case.

After a few episodes of all Hell breaking loose (literally) and demons attacking the human realm, Chloe realizes that she loves Lucifer for what he is, even if he is the Devil himself. However, this is when Lucifer has to leave for Hell as he realizes the throne cannot be empty… Hell needs its ruler back.

Lucifer sitting on the throne of Hell once again is one of the, if not the best scenes in the whole series (thus far). That’s where season 4 ended. Enter season 5 and we see Micheal (played by actor Tom Ellis). Micheal is Lucifer’s evil (yes, an evil angel) twin brother who tried to take over his life in Los Angeles. However, Lucifer and his friends manage to outsmart and outpower Micheal. Just as Micheal, Lucifer, and Amenadiel (played by actor D.B. Woodside) are about to get in a confrontation, the most awaited character of the series finally makes an appearance… Lucifer’s father… God himself. This is where season 5 ends… on a major cliffhanger.

The Characters And Actors

According to Julian Brand Reviews, every cast member has done a wonderful job in portraying their respective characters. Actor Tom Ellis playing Lucifer Morningstar makes you want to take over the personality of the character in your own life. Lucifer Morningstar rubbed off so hard on Julian Brand that he started acting like him for a considerable amount of time in his own life. While actor Tom Ellis does a wonderful job playing the main lead of the show, the work of the other actors cannot be ignored. Lauren German playing Chloe Decker is acting at its best. She really got into the character and portrayed her with perfection.

As far as other actors are concerned, an amazing job is being done by Inbar Lavi in portraying the charm and beauty of Eve and Lesley-Ann Brandt is really looking like the badass demon that is Mazikeen. Other characters such as Amenadiel and Linda Martin (played by actor Rachel Harris) bring a lot to the story and no one feels like an extra in any scene. Every character brings something to every scene and that’s what Julian Brand Reviews loves about the direction, scripting, and screenplay of the series. No matter what, you’ll be able to relate to every character in the series in one way or the other and that is a major win for the writer in Julian Brand’s opinion.

What Will Happen Next And How Might Lucifer End?

While it’s hard to predict what’s gonna happen next in such a complex story that too after a major cliffhanger, Julian Brand might have an idea or a theory. After the massive and long-awaited entrance of God (Lucifer’s father), he might try to solve the dispute between Micheal and Lucifer, which he will prevail in. After that, Lucifer will most definitely want his answers from his father. However, he will not get them directly as “God works in mysterious ways” (even with his own children in this case). This will frustrate Lucifer even more and that will absolutely create problems. It will also create distance between Chloe and Lucifer as she is God’s miracle created for Lucifer (as portrayed in the series). Ultimately, Lucifer will be able to get all the answers he was looking for and the magical couple might end up ruling Hell together.


Julian Brand Reviews gives the show 4.7/5 stars. 0.3 lost just because of filler episodes that can prove to be a drag at times. Other than that, the show is a masterpiece according to Julian Brand Reviews. The actors have done a great job in portraying their respective characters. The writers did a great job in building the story, and the directors did an absolutely amazing job in bringing everything to life. Lucifer is definitely a series that you must watch. If you haven’t already then this is the best time to binge through the existing story as the last season (the ending) is just around the corner, probably releasing later this year.

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